
Berk Lupina Short Saddle Review

John John FollowNov 15, 2023 · 1 min read
Berk Lupina Short Saddle Review

One the most popular weight-weenie saddles has been the Berk Lupina. It’s a boutique brand out of Slovenia that was founded by a like-minded bike nerd who wanted to find a lightweight but durable saddle. I’ve historically been a fan of the Specialized Power saddle, but have recently switched to the Romin saddle for improved comfort when climbing and in the aero position. Berk’s new Lupina Short slots in the middle between the two in terms of length, and I love it.


I’ve done about 5,000 miles on it with a split between dirt and pavement, and the saddle has held up without issue. I have treated this saddle way rougher than most, and as a medium-weight rider at 150lbs, I think that bodes well for people around that weight. I have never had a concern about the saddle slipping or snapping even on remote rides on rocky roads. There are some light wear marks, but nothing notable or even worth taking a photo of. The leather has treated me well for the most part, but if you lean your bike up wrong or pack it, there may be an impression/indent left that will go away after a few hours.


I recommend it, but saddles are very personal so your mileage might vary. The advantage of going with bigger name brands is it is easier to demo a saddle, whereas, in Berk’s case, the quantities just aren’t there to justify it. I have been using the padded version, which is slightly heavier, as I often do longer rides of 5+ hours, but if you ride below two I would recommend getting the bare carbon version to save the weight.

If you are in the US, I would recommend reaching out to Elite Velo Solutions to get more information. Shipping is fast and they’re available on the phone if you have any questions.

Written by John Follow
Retired road/gravel racer who likes to ride fast uphill on the fastest equipment available